Dang Thi Hong Ngoc Lecturer Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment. Kien Giang University, Ministry of Education and Training. MSc. in Management of Natural Resources and Environment, CanTho University, Vietnamese, 2015 PhD student in Soil and Water Environment, CanTho University, Vietnamese, 2023. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cell phone: 0909.897.889 |
Research topic
Research title: Mapping an Agricultural Risk under the Impact of meteorological drought and Saline Intrusion in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta's Coastal Region: A case of Kien Giang Province.
Supervisor 1: Dr. Huynh Vuong Thu Minh
Supervisor 2: Assoc.Prof. Dr. Tran Van Ty
Research objectives
Determining the drought risk level (Using SPI index and SPEI index) and saline intrusion developments in Kien Giang province over the 30 years (1992 - 2023).
Research content
Determining the severity and causes of drought (using SPI and SPEI indices) over 30 years (1992 – 2023) in Kien Giang province;
Assessing salinity intrusion fluctuations during the 30 years period (1992 - 2023);
Building a risk map for agriculture under the impact of meteorological drought and drought in the research area;
Risk zoning for agriculture under the impact of meteorological drought and mining in the research area.
Methods of research
Using SPI and SPEI indices
Research interests
Research on the impact of drought and salinity on the environment and people.
Research on coastal erosion.
Research in the field of water resources management.
Thai Thanh Luom, Le Huy Ba, Dinh Minh Quang, Nguyen Xuan Hoan, Dang Tan Hiep, Dang Thi Hong Ngoc. Pollution by wastewater from aquaculture in some coastal zones in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation. 15 (2022) Trang: 1520-1530.
Thai Thanh Luom, Dinh Minh Quang, Phan Hoang Gieo, Le Viet Khai, Dang Thi Hong Ngoc. The chemical resistance of pesticides in some agricultural production regions in Kien Giang province. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation. 15 (2022) Trang: 1344-1354.
2023-2024: Dự án REVFIN. Member of Project Management Board.
2023-2024: Research on the biological potential, Biochar, and fertilizer from Biochar of Reed (Phragmites australis Cav.) to propose sustainable use in the Mekong Delta. Ministerial Level. Participant.
2021-2023: Research to evaluate the impact of mangrove forests on the instability of banks and sea dikes in the western coastal areas of Kien Giang and Ca Mau provinces under climate change and sea level rise. Ministerial Level. Participant.
2021: Survey on domestic and laboratory wastewater's physical, chemical, and biological characteristics at Kien Giang University. Leader.
2018-2020: Study selecting some valuable tree species and planting techniques suitable to the ecological conditions of seasonally flooded peatland in U Minh forest in Kien Giang and Ca Mau. Ministerial Level. Participant.